Outlaw Mini Mod Race Series Results
Limitless Signs Cedar Falls Iowa Venture HydraulicsGRP & AssociatesFaber's Pure Maple Syrup Kevko Racing


Chateau Speedway Fall Extravaganza Night #2 (9-28-19)

Heat 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Matt Prehn

3. Anthony Kramer

4. Micheal Bryant

5. Luke Daniels

6. Devin Medes

7. Chase Daniels

Heat 2

1. Justin Besch

2. Jerry Larson

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. Justin Johnson

5. Tyler Jonson

6. Dane Olson

Heat 3

1. Bobby Daniels

2. Cole Bennerotte

3. Logan Brown

4. Nick Hauge

5. Tanner Prehn

6. Dustin Haggard


1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Justin Besch

3. Micheal Bryant

4. Bobby Daniels

5. Matt Prehn

6. Anthony Kramer

7. Jerry Larson

8. Bobby Ruehlow

9. Logan Brown

10. Cole Bennerotte

11. Justin Johnson

12. Tanner Prehn

13. Nick Hauge

14. Luke Daniels

15. Dustin Haggard

16. Devin Medes

17. Tyler Jonson

18. Dane Olson

19. Chase Daniels

Chateau Speedway Fall Extravaganza Night #1 (9-27-19)

Heat 1

1. Micheal Bryant

2. Matt Prehn

3. Dane Olson

4. Luke Daniels

5. Davis Royle

6. Chase Daniels

7. Devin Medes

Heat 2

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. Jerry Larson

5. Justin Besch

6. Cole Bennerotte

Heat 3

1. Anthony Kramer

2. Scott Johnson

3. Logan Brown

4. Bobby Daniels

5. Justin Johnson

6. Nick Hauge


1. Tyler Jonson

2. Logan Brown

3. Nathan Kilwine

4. Anthony Kramer

5. Jerry Larson

6. Bobby Ruehlow

7. Micheal Bryant

8. Davis Royle

9. Scott Johnson

10. Matt Prehn

11. Chase Daniels

12. Cole Bennerotte

13. Justin Johnson

14. Luke Daniels

15. Nick Hauge

16. Dane Olson

17. Bobby Daniels

18. Justin Besch

19. Devin Medes

Mason City Speedway (9-15-19)

Heat 1

1. Micheal Bryant

2. Josh Ruby

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. Nick Hauge

5. Chase Daniels

6. Devin Medes

7. Lucas Daniels

Heat 2

1. Scott Johnson

2. Logan Brown

3. Nathan Kilwine

4. Bobby Daniels

5. Matt Prehn

6. Larry Anderson

7. Tanner Prehn


1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Logan Brown

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. Scott Johnson

5. Micheal Bryant

6. Josh Ruby

7. Matt Prehn

8. Tanner Prehn

9. Chase Daniels

10. Bobby Daniels

11. Nick Hauge

12. Lucas Daniels

13. Larry Anderson

14. Devin Medes

Greenbush Racepark Labor Day Special (9-01-19)

Heat 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Dane Olson

3. Jerry Larson

4. Justin Cutrer

5. Justin Johnson

6. Ben VanZile

Heat 2

1. Kelly Steele

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Micheal Bryant

4. Chris Vargason

5. Justin Besch


1. Tyler Jonson

2. Kelly Steele

3. Nathan Kilwine

4. Dane Olson

5. Chris Vargason

6. Jerry Larson

7. Justin Cutrer

8. Micheal Bryant

9. Justin Johnson

10. Ben VanZile

11. Justin Besch

Greenbush Racepark Labor Day Special (8-31-19)

Heat 1

1. Chris Vargason

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Justin Cutrer

4. Jerry Larson

5. Dane Olson

6. Ben VanZile

Heat 2

1. Kelly Steele

2. Micheal Bryant

3. Justin Johnson

4. Justin Besch

5. Tyler Jonson


1. Micheal Bryant

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Justin Johnson

4. Jerry Larson

5. Tyler Jonson

6. Chris Vargason

7. Kelly Steele

8. Justin Besch

9. Dane Olson

10. Ben VanZile

11. Justin Cutrer

Chateau Speedway (8-30-19)

Heat 1

1. Justin Besch

2. Bobby Ruehlow

3. Andy Zimmerman

4. Nathan Kilwine

5. Davis Royle

6. Devin Medes

Heat 2

1. Ryan Hensel

2. Scott Johnson

3. Matt Prehn

4. Tanner Prehn

5. Nick Hauge

6. Micheal Btyant


1. Ryan Hensel

2. Bobby Ruehlow

3. Scott Johnson

4. Tanner Prehn

5. Matt Prehn

6. Micheal Bryant (Chateau Speedway Track Champion)

7. Davis Royle

8. Nick Hauge

9. Andy Zimmerman

10. Devin Medes

11. Nathan Kilwine

12. Justin Besch

Bemidji Speedway (8-25-19)


1. Jerry Larson

2. Kelly Steele

3. Justin Besch

4. Justin Besch

5. Ben VanZile

6. Justin Johson

7. Justin Cutrer


1. Justin Cutrer

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Justin Besch

4. Jerry Larson

5. Kelly Steele

6. Justin Johnson

7. Ben VanZile

Greenbush Racepark (8-17-19)


1. Kelly Steele

2. Justin Cutrer

3. Justin Johnson

4. Tyler Jonson

5. Chris Vargason

6. Jerry Larson

7. Justin Besch


1. Kelly Steele

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Justin Cutrer

4. Justin Johnson

5. Jerry Larson

6. Chris Vargason

7. Justin Besch

Emo Speedway (8-16-19)


1. Tyler Jonson

2. Justin Cutrer

3. Justin Johnson

4. Justin Besch

5. Kelly Steele


1. Justin Cutrer

2. Kelly Steele

3. Tyler Jonson

4. Justin Johnson

5. Justin Besch

Princeton Speedway (8-16-19)

Heat 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Jerry Larson

3. Matt Prehn

4. Micheal Bryant

5. Devin Medes

Heat 2

1. John Dulmage

2. William Dulmage

3. Tanner Prehn

4. Anthony Black

5. Aiden Spiegel


1. Micheal Bryant

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. John Dulmage

4. Tanner Prehn

5. Jerry Larson

6. Devin Medes

7. Aiden Spiegel

8. Matt Prehn

9. William Dulmage

10. Anthony Black

Emo Speedway (8-10-19)


1. Kelly Steele

2. Justin Cutrer

3. Tyler Jonson

4. Justin Besch

5. Chris Vargason


1. Kelly Steele

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Justin Cutrer

4. Justin Besch

5. Chris Vargason

Chateau Speedway (8-09-19)

Heat 1

1. Logan Brown

2. Micheal Bryant

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. William Dulmage

5. Nathan Kilwine

6. Anthony Black

Heat 2

1. Anthony Kramer

2. Matt Prehn

3. Scott Johnson

4. John Dulmage

5. Nick Hauge

6. Davis Royle


1. Scott Johnson

2. Logan Brown

3. Nathan Kilwine

4. Anthony Kramer

5. Micheal Bryant

6. Matt Prehn

7. John Dulmage

8. Davis Royle

9. Bobby Ruehlow

10. Nick Hauge

11. William Dulmage

12. Anthony Black

Greenbush Racepark (8-03-19)


1. Justin Cutrer

2. Jerry Larson

3. Justin Besch

4. Kelly Steele

5. Ben Van Zile

6. Tyler Jonson

7. Chris Vargason

8. Justin Johnson


1. Kelly Steele

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Jerry Larson

4. Justin Johnson

5. Ben Van Zile

6. Chris Vargason

7. Justin Cutrer

8. Justin Besch

Chateau Speedway (8-02-19)

Heat 1

1. Micheal Bryant

2. Ryan Hensel

3. Lucas Daniels

4. Nick Hauge

5. Matt Prehn

6. Scott Johnson

Heat 2

1. Logan Brown

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. Tanner Prehn

5. Bobby Daniels

6. Chase Daniels


1. Bobby Ruehlow (First Career Outlaw Mini Mod Series Win!)

2. Logan Brown

3. Nathan Kilwine

4. Micheal Bryant

5. Scott Johnson

6. Tanner Prehn

7. Luke Daniels

8. Nick Hauge

9. Chase Daniles

10. Ryan Hensel

11. Bobby Daniels

12. Matt Prehn

North Central Speedway Summer Nationals Night #3 (7-27-19)

Heat 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Tommy Patton

4. Justin Cutrer

5. Justin Johnson

6. Anthony Kramer

Heat 2

1. Kelly Steele

2. Justin Besch

3. Micheal Bryant

4. William Dulmage

5. Tanner Prehn

6. Davis Royle

Heat 3

1. Jerry Larson

2. John Dulmage

3. Anthony Black

4. Jalen Stay

5. Tom Cornelison


1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Justin Besch

3. Kelly Steele

4. Tyler Jonson

5. Tommy Patton

6. Jerry Larson

7. Anthony Kramer

8. John Dulmage

9. Justin Cutrer

10. Justin Johnson

11. Micheal Bryant

12. Davis Royle

13. Tanner Prehn

14. Anthony Black

15. William Dulmage

16. Tom Cornelison

17. Jalen Stay

Princeton Speedway Summer Nationals Night #2 (7-26-19)

Heat 1

1. Tyler Jonson

2. Matt Prehn

3. Micheal Bryant

4. Justin Besch

5. John Dulmage

6. Tom Cornelison

7. Anthony Black

Heat 2

1. Taton Hansen

2. Ben Van Zile

3. Tanner Prehn

4. Jalen Stay

5. Davis Royle

6. Allen Royle

7. William Dulmage

Heat 3

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Jerry Larson

3. Kelly Steele

4. Justin Cutrer

5. Blake Ferris

6. Anthony Kramer

7. Justin Johnson


1. Tyler Jonson

2. Ben Van Zile

3. Kelly Steele

4. Justin Cutrer

5. Micheal Bryant

6. Tom Cornelison

7. Anthony Kramer

8. William Dulmage

9. Justin Johnson

10. John Dulmage

11. Anthony Black

12. Davis Royle

13. Allen Royle

14. Tanner Prehn

15. Matt Prehn

16. Blake Ferris

17. Justin Besch

18. Taton Hansen

19. Jerry Larson

20. Jalen Stay

21. Nathan Kilwine

KRA Speedway Summer Nationals Night #1 (7-25-19)

Heat 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Kelly Steele

3. Jerry Larson

4. Jalen Stay

5. Tom Cornelison

6. William Dulmage

7. Anthony Black

Heat 2

1. Blake Ferris

2. Justin Johnson

3. Justin Besch

4. Micheal Bryant

5. John Dulmage

6. Justin Cutrer

7. Taton Hansen


1. Kelly Steele

2. Blake Ferris

3. Justin Besch

4. Justin Johnson

5. Justin Cutrer

6. Jerry Larson

7. Tom Cornelison

8. Jalen Stay

9. Micheal Bryant

10. William Dulmage

11. Anthony Black

12. Taton Hansen

13. John Dulmage

14. Nathan Kilwine

Greenbush Racepark (7-20-19)

Heat 1

1. Kelly Steel

2. Jerry Larson

3. Ben Van Zile

4. Justin Cutrer

5. Dane Olson

Heat 2

1. Tyler Jonson

2. Justin Besch

3. Justin Johnson

4. Chris Vargason

5. Jalen Stay


1. Justin Cutrer

2. Justin Besch

3. Jerry Larson

4. Kelly Steele

5. Ben Van Zile

6. Tyler Jonson

7. Justin Johnson

8. Chris Vargason

9. Dane Olson

10. Jalen Stay

Chateau Speedway (7-19-19)


1. Anthony Kramer

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Micheal Bryant

4. Nick Hauge

5. Logan Brown

6. Bobby Ruehlow


1. Micheal Bryant

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Anthony Kramer

4. Bobby Ruehlow

5. Logan Brown

6. Nick Hauge

Greenbush Racepark (7-13-19)


1. Jerry Larson

2. Justin Cutrer

3. Kelly Steele

4. Justin Johnson

5. Jalen Stay

6. Chris Vargason

7. Justin Besch

8. Blake Ferris

9. Tyler Jonson


1. Kelly Steele

2. Jerry Larson

3. Justin Johnson

4. Justin Besch

5. Chris Vargason

6. Justin Cutrer

7. Jalen Stay

8. Tyler Jonson

9. Blake Ferris

Boone Speedway (7-13-19)

Heat 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Logan Brown

3. Tanner Prehn

4. Lucas Daniels

5. Chase Daniels

6. Nick Hauge

Heat 2

1. Bobby Daniels

2. Bobby Ruehlow

3. Micheal Bryant

4. Matt Prehn

5. Gage Hilgenberg


1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Logan Brown

3. Bobby Daniels

4. Micheal Bryant

5. Tanner Prehn

6. Matt Prehn

7. Bobby Ruehlow

8. Nick Hauge

9. Lucas Daniels

10. Gage Hilgenberg

11. Chase Daniels

Chateau Speedway (7-12-19)

Heat 1

1. Logan Brown

2. Anthony Kramer

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. Matt Prehn

5. Cole Bennerotte

6. Tanner Prehn

Heat 2

1. Micheal Bryant

2. Nick Hauge

3. Allen Royle

4. Davis Royle

5. Nathan Kilwine


1. Logan Brown

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Anthony Kramer

4. Micheal Bryant

5. Matt Prehn

6. Cole Bennerotte

7. Tanner Prehn

8. Nick Hauge

9. Bobby Ruehlow

10. Davis Royle

11. Allen Royle

Chateau Speedway (6-28-19)

Heat- 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Anthony Kramer

3. Tanner Prehn

4. Davis Royle

5. Allen Royle

6. Matt Prehn

Heat- 2

1. Logan Brown

2. Jalen Stay

3. Micheal Bryant

4. Justin Johnson

5. Cole Bennerotte


1. Logan Brown

2. Davis Royle

3. Anthony Kramer

4. Nathan Kilwine

5. Tanner Prehn

6. Micheal Bryant

7. Justin Johnson

8. Jalen Stay

9. Allen Royle

10. Cole Bennerotte

11. Matt Prehn

Upper Iowa Speedway Spring Nationals Night #4 (6-22-19)

Heat 1

1. Logan Brown

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Tyler Jonson

4. Bobby Daniels

5. Justin Besch

6. Jerry Larson

7. Cole Bennerotte

8. Dane Olson

9. Bobby Ruehlow

Heat 2

1. Blake Ferris

2. Anthony Kramer

3. Chase Daniels

4. Nick Hauge

5. Tanner Prehn

6. Luke Daniels

7. Micheal Bryant

8. Matt Prehn


1. Logan Brown

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Blake Ferris

4. Anthony Kramer

5. Jerry Larson

6. Cole Bennerotte

7. Nick Hauge

8. Tanner Prehn

9. Matt Prehn

10. Chase Daniels

11. Luke Daniels

12. Tyler Jonson

13. Bobby Ruehlow

14. Dane Olson

15. Micheal Bryant

16. Bobby Daniels

17. Justin Besch

Chateau Speedway Spring Nationals Night #3 (6-21-19)

Heat 1

1. Ryan Hensel

2. Logan Brown

3. Scott Johnson

4. Nathan Kilwine

5. Cole Bennerotte

6. Chase Daniels

7. Luke Daniels

8. Bobby Daniels

Heat 2

1. Bobby Ruehlow

2. Justin Besch

3. Jerry Larson

4. Tyler Jonson

5. Dane Olson

6. Blake Ferris

7. Micheal Bryant

8. Nick Hauge


1. Ryan Hensel

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Logan Brown

4. Justin Besch

5. Tyler Jonson

6. Jerry Larson

7. Blake Ferris

8. Dane Olson

9. Cole Bennerotte

10. Bobby Daniels

11. Scott Johnson

12. Micheal Bryant

13. Chase Daniels

14. Nick Hauge

15. Luke Daniels

16. Bobby Ruehlow

Kossuth Co. Speedway Spring Nationals Night #2 (6-20-19)

Heat 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Justin Besch

3. Jerry Larson

4. Chase Daniels

5. Luke Daniels

6. Bobby Daniels

7.Larry Anderson

8. Bobby Ruehlow

Heat 2

1. Logan Brown

2. Blake Ferris

3. Tyler Jonson

4. Micheal Bryant

5. Cole Bennerotte

6. Nick Hauge

7. Dane Olson


1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Logan Brown

3. Justin Besch

4. Blake Ferris

5. Tyler Jonson

6. Jerry Larson

7. Bobby Ruehlow

8. Dane Olson

9. Cole Bennerotte

10. Bobby Daniels

11. Micheal Bryant

12. Larry Anderson

13. Luke Daniels

14. Chase Daniels

15. Nick Hauge

Stuart Speedway Spring Nationals Night #1 (6-19-19)

Heat- 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Jerry Larson

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. Nick Hauge

5. Cole Bennerotte

6. Chase Daniels

7. Dane Olson

Heat 2

1. Justin Besch

2. Micheal Bryant

3. Gage Hilgenberg

4. Blake Ferris

5. Bobby Daniels

6. Luke Daniels

7. Tyler Jonson


1. Jerry Larson

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Justin Besch

4. Cole Bennerotte

5. Tyler Jonson

6. Micheal Bryant

7. Bobby Ruehlow

8. Luke Daniels

9. Bobby Daniels

10. Nick Hauge

11. Chase Daniels

12. Gage Hilgenberg

13. Blake Ferris

14. Dane Olson

Chateau Speedway (6-7-19)


1. Cole Bennerotte

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Logan Brown

4. Micheal Bryant

5. Davis Royle

6. Bobby Ruehlow

7. Allen Royle

8. Nick Hauge

9. Tanner Prehn


1. Micheal Bryant (First Career Outlaw Mini Mod Series Win!)

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Cole Bennerotte

4. Davis Royle

5. Tanner Prehn

6. Nick Hauge

7. Allen Royle

8. Bobby Ruehlow

9. Logan Brown

Greenbush Racepark (6-01-19)

Heat 1

1. Justin Cutrer

2. Blake Ferris

3. Justin Johnson

4. Ben Van Zile

5. Jalen Stay

6. Chris Vargason

Heat 2

1. Kelly Steele

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Jerry Larson

4. Justin Besch

5. Dane Olson


1. Kelly Steele

2. Tyler Jonson

3. Blake Ferris

4. Ben Van Zile

5. Justin Besch

6. Justin Johnson

7. Chris Vargason

8. Justin Cutrer

9. Jalen Stay

10. Dane Olson

11. Jerry Larson

Chateau Speedway (5-31-19)

Heat 1

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Davis Royle

3. Bobby Ruehlow

4. Micheal Bryant

5. Cole Bennerotte

Heat 2

1. Ryan Hensel

2. Logan Brown

3. Nick Hauge

4. Thomas Cornelison


1. Ryan Hensel

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Davis Royle

4. Logan Brown

5. Micheal Bryant

6. Cole Bennerotte

7. Thomas Cornelison

8. Bobby Ruehlow

9. Nick Hauge

Chateau Speedway Memorial Day Special (5-26-19)

Heat- 1

1. Logan Brown

2. Nathan Kilwine

3. Ryan Hensel

4. Tanner Prehn

5. Bobby Daniels

6. Nick Hauge

7. Luke Daniels

8. Jalen Stay

Heat 2

1. Davis Royle

2. Bobby Ruehlow

3. Micheal Bryant

4. Justin Johnson

5. Allen Royle

6. Cole Bennerotte

7. Justin Besch


1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Ryan Hensel

3. Logan Brown

4. Davis Royle

5. Micheal Bryant

6. Bobby Ruehlow

7. Justin Johnson

8. Cole Bennerotte

9. Bobby Daniels

10. Jalen Stay

11. Luke Daniels

12. Justin Besch

13. Allen Royle

14. Nick Hauge

15. Tanner Prehn

Chateau Speedway (5-10-19)

Heat 1

1. Logan Brown

2. Jerry Larson

3. Tanner Prehn

4. Cole Bennerotte

5. Taton Hanson

6. Allen Royle

Heat 2

1. Nathan Kilwine

2. Ryan Hensel

3. Davis Royle

4. Bobby Ruehlow

5. Micheal Bryant

6. Nick Hauge


1. Logan Brown

2. Taton Hanson

3. Jerry Larson

4. Bobby Ruehlow

5. Nick Hauge

6. Cole Bennerotte

7. Tanner Prehn

8. Micheal Bryant

9. Ryan Hensel

10. Allen Royle

11. Davis Royle

12. Nathan Kilwine

GRP & AssociatesRon's RepairMayhem InkKelly Printing & SignsDiamond Motorsports Custom Suits And ApparelEZ FabStreet Car InjectionDiamond Jo CasinoVenture HydraulicsStuart SpeedwayChateau SpeedwayShelby County SpeedwayBoone SpeedwayMississippi Thunder Speedway
Five-0 Racing ShocksSnap On Tools of AlgonaAPS: Des Moines' HVAC & Plumbing Faber's Pure Maple SyrupAdvanced Family Dental Albert LeaLimitless SignsExtreme Powder CoatingORR Heating & Air ConditioningBlack Iron ManufacturingPrinceton SpeedwayWorthington SpeedwayIndependence Motor SpeedwayCedar Lake SpeedwayPrinceton Speedway